Erratics Cricket Club


The Erratics have been playing friendly cricket, mostly in Devon, since 1934. The club maintains its original link with the University of Exeter, but membership has spread much more widely. We are emphatically a mixed-ability team, open to women and men who relish the spirit of cricket as well as its finesse. What unites us is an enthusiasm for the game and a drink at whichever local pub when it’s over.

Peter Thomson

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Latest news

Midsummer Slump

Between the 9th June and 10th July the Erratics took the field 12 times. We won just 3 games, and lost 9. Not our finest run of form, though plenty of.......

May Flowering...

Whilst May was a disappointing month weather-wise, the same cannot be said of the Erratics' on-field experiences, and the season is now in full bloom........

First Batch of Match Reports

Here is the first batch of match reports for the season: Mr President reports on an opening game victory at Heads and Tails Richard Lindsay provides d.......

The rain WILL stop...

The rain WILL stop... ...and the sun WILL shine!  It will shine on all of us, playing cricket, very soon.   So, no dismay, don't delay, declare your availability soon!   Se.......


On these dark and damp days the cricketing summer of 2024 may seem a long way off - and it is. But nets are not! Indeed, they start next week, on Thur.......
Upcoming fixtures
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Date: Sat 27 Jul 2024
 ErraticsChulmleighHome CANCELLED
Date: Sat 03 Aug 2024
 ErraticsMystics and MagiciansHome 2.30pm
Date: Sun 04 Aug 2024
 ErraticsClyst St GeorgeHome 2.00pm
Date: Wed 07 Aug 2024
 ErraticsClyst HydonAway 6.00pm
Date: Sat 10 Aug 2024
 ErraticsMetronomesHome 2.00pm