Erratics Cricket Club News story

Erratics Book: Pre-Order Now!!

28 Nov 2019

Work is well underway on volume three of our club history: 'Unicorns Rampant: The Erratics Cricket Club 1994-2019'. But to bring this project to fruition we need to raise the money to print it.

So, we are running a Kickstarter fundraising campaign from now until 31st December, with the aim of raising the £1400 we need to cover the cost of printing. Put simply, we are asking people to pay up front for the book. The indefatigables Jonathan Kirby and Martin Weiler have done sterling work to get a website up and running, and you can read more about the book - and pledge to buy it, of course - right here:


A few notes…

- To make a pledge, you need to click on BACK THIS PROJECT

- You must then choose a REWARD, dependent on how much you want to pledge.

- Once you've chosen your reward, you are given the chance to CREATE AN ACCOUNT, or to log in using FACEBOOK etc. There is no need to do this. You can CONTINUE AS A GUEST - look for the blue text on the right of the screen.

 - You'll need to enter debit/credit card details etc. Your money will not be taken until after 31st December, and only if we meet our target.