Erratics Cricket Club News story

The season is nigh!

12 Apr 2021

I write to the sound of hailstones drumming against the window to remind you that our season begins this very weekend! (The forecast looks good, actually, if a little chilly.) A few items of business:

1) Don't forget to pay your subs
If you want to play this season you need to pay your subs. £30. You can do this via the 'Payments to Erratics' link on the club website, or by bank transfer to Erratics CC; sort code 20-87-94; account 13942619.

2) No nets
Krups - our new Nets Manager - has kept in regular contact with the Sports Centre all through the winter in the hope of booking some sessions, but for obvious reasons this hasn't been possible, and with the season upon us we're going to give up on nets for this year. We'll warm up as we go! Thanks for your efforts though Krups in this challenging first year in the role.

3) Book offer
Anyone who has paid their subs for this year can take adavantage of a special price of just £10 for a copy of 'The Erratics: Unicorns Rampant 1995-2019'. Just use the payment methods outlined above for subs, and send Jonathan an email ( to let him know your order. This might particularly appeal to newer members - the book is a great way to get up to speed on the club's history, character and ethos. We also have copies of the first two Erratics books available for sale - £10 each or £15 for both - same process as above. 

Roll on the weekend!

Mark H