Erratics Cricket Club News story

Club President

15 Apr 2021

After 20 years at the helm, Peter Thomson has decided to step down as President of the Erratics.

Peter will be a hard act to follow, epitomising as he does the club's ethos of playing to win - but always in the right spirit, and with just as much importance placed on a post-match trip to the pub as the result. The past two decades have presented the club with various challenges, chief of which has been our itinerancy, but Peter has been a key figure in making the Erratics feel like a family, to all comers, despite its homelessness.

Of course, Peter will continue to be a key figurehead in the Erratics family, but he would prefer the 'hands-on' role of the President - chairing the committee, overseeing awards, making speeches, liasing with other clubs, etc - to be passed on to someone more actively involved in the day-to-day life of the club. 

So, the committee will meet in the next week or so to consider his successor, and to think about how we can best express our appreciation to Peter for his sterling service over the past 20 years.