The committee met last week and discussed a long list of plausible candidates to take over the Presidency from Peter Thomson. Whilst there were several people who met the criteria we had determined, we unanimously agreed that none did so as emphatically as Martin Weiler. We are delighted that Martin has agreed to take on the role.
Peter has this to say in commendation of his successor:
'I remember Martin Weiler’s debut for the Erratics, and Fraser Chave tells me that 2021 is the year when he overtakes me in the number of games played for the club. I can think of no one to match him as the next President of the Erratics. He is the very model of a team man.'
And we have an inaugural address from Martin:
'First things first. Massive thanks to Peter Thomson for all he has done as Erratics President since he took up the role in 2001. Peter has ensured the soul of the club has survived and flourished through the opening two decades of the 21st Century. The result is a supportive and cooperative group of players, a hard working volunteer committee and the opportunity for all to enjoy friendly competitive cricket on some of the most beautiful grounds in the country.
It is an honour and a privilege to be the fifth Erratics President. Little did I realise when I first turned out for the Erratics in 1977 (Torbay Post Office, away. Erratics captain: Peter Thomson) what an important part of my life the Club would become and how long this would continue. It has been and still is a wonderful experience and I will do everything I can to help the Erratics continue to be the very special club it is. If there is anything any members wish to raise with me then please do not hesitate to get in touch at:
Long live the rampant unicorns!'