Happy New Nets!
The long road to the cricketing summer starts now - well, on Wednesday 15th January, when our first winter net takes place.
This year we have a mixture of times to cater to different tastes - some at 9pm on Wednesdays, some at 6pm on Fridays. A big thank you to Ben Youngman for sorting out the booking. All sessions are at the Exeter Uni Sports Centre.
We will manage demand by using the website availability function, in much the same way as we do for normal fixtures. I will be selecting for nets. So, head over to the 'Availabilities' section of the website and put your name down for the sessions you would like - I would advise doing this a couple of weeks in advance, as I'll aim to select the 'team' about a week in advance.
Looking forward to seeing you all soon!
Mark H